There are more and more divorces these days. Some people believe that women's independence contributes to the increase in divorce. Other people think that men's incomprehension and inflexibility are the main reasons for divorce. Discuss both points of view and give your opinion.
The problem of modern society is that people want to live independently and freely and do not make concessions to each other. So, women want interesting work rather than household chores. Men do not want to help women when they are busy with work. Problem-solving can involve the acceptance of the principles of honest dialogue between all members of society, men and women.
Advocates for women's rights to free development point out that women have talent and competencies as well as men, and therefore have the right to do the work they love, not just do household chores. Women developing in business these days can have high positions and perform tasks that are beyond the power of men, as women are more flexible, kind and peaceful than men. But in this case, women have almost no time for a family, and they often get divorced. According to statistics, there are more single people in developed countries than married people.
Supporters of the other point of view believe that a woman should be at home, prepare food for her husband and raise children, and men should do business. These people believe that in this way only the stability of society can be achieved. Nowadays, there are only a few numbers of such classic marriages in which people would be happy. However, in such marriages, even if women stay at home, they are inspirers and advisers for their husbands, and even men claim that their business is a family business in which children can also participate.
In my opinion, only honest equal dialogue, whether at home or in the office between men and women, can provide a comprehensive view on life and business and ensure a sustainable future for the entire society. Men and women see things from different angles and should equally participate in the development of society, regardless of what formal roles they have at home and in business.
In conclusion, it can be said that marriage should be seen more broadly, as a symbol of dialogue and coordination between men and women. Working women could have flexible conditions to regulate their presence at home and at work. And also men, doing business and delving into life at home, could improve the ability to see the picture of life in general and objectively, to act more flexibly and peacefully. Only an equal, respectful partnership between men and women in life and in business can help solve problems in the family and society. In this case, marriage can again receive a high status and a new spiritual level.
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The problem of modern society is that people want to live independently and freely and do not make concessions to each other.
Проблема современного общества в том, что люди хотят жить независимо и свободно и не идут на уступки друг другу.
So, women want interesting work rather than household chores.
Так, женщины хотят интересную работу скорее, чем домашние дела.
Men do not want to help women when they are busy with work.
Мужчины не хотят помогать женщинам, когда они заняты работой.
Problem-solving can involve the acceptance of the principles of honest dialogue between all members of society, men and women.
Решение проблем может быть связано с принятием принципов честного диалога между всеми членами общества, мужчинами и женщинами.
Advocates for women's rights to free development point out that women have talent and competencies as well as men, and therefore have the right to do the work they love, not just do household chores.
Защитники прав женщин на свободное развитие указывают на то, что женщины имеют талант и компетенции, как и мужчины, и поэтому имеют право заниматься любимой работой, а не только вести домашние дела.
Women developing in business these days can have high positions and perform tasks that are beyond the power of men, as women are more flexible, kind and peaceful than men.
Женщины, развивающиеся в бизнесе в наши дни, могут иметь высокое положение и выполнять те задачи, которые не под силу мужчинам, поскольку женщины проявляют больше гибкости, доброты и миролюбия, чем мужчины.
But in this case, women have almost no time for a family, and they often get divorced.
Но в этом случае у женщин почти не остается времени на семью, и они часто получают развод.
According to statistics, there are more single people in developed countries than married people.
По статистике одиноких людей в развитых странах становится больше, чем женатых.
Supporters of the other point of view believe that a woman should be at home, prepare food for her husband and raise children, and men should do business.
Сторонники другой точки зрения считают, что женщина должна быть дома, готовить еду для мужа и воспитывать детей, а мужчины должны заниматься бизнесом.
These people believe that in this way only the stability of society can be achieved.
Эти люди верят, что таким образом только и может быть достигнута стабильность общества.
Nowadays, there are only a few numbers of such classic marriages in which people would be happy.
В наши дни осталось единичное число таких классических браков, в которых люди были бы счастливы.
However, in such marriages, even if women stay at home, they are inspirers and advisers for their husbands, and even men claim that their business is a family business in which children can also participate.
Однако, в таких браках, даже если женщины остаются дома, но они являются вдохновительницами и советчиками для их мужей, и даже мужчины утверждают, что их бизнес является семейным бизнесом, в котором могут участвовать и их дети.
In my opinion, only honest equal dialogue, whether at home or in the office between men and women, can provide a comprehensive view on life and business and ensure a sustainable future for the entire society.
На мой взгляд, только честный равный диалог, будь то дома или в офисе, между мужчинами и женщинами может обеспечить всесторонний взгляд на жизнь и бизнес и обеспечить устойчивое будущее для всего общества.
Men and women see things from different angles and should equally participate in the development of society, regardless of what formal roles they have at home and in business.
Мужчины и женщины видят вещи с разных сторон и в равной мере должны участвовать в обустройстве общества, независимо от того, какие формальные роли дома и в бизнесе они имеют.
In conclusion, it can be said that marriage should be seen more broadly, as a symbol of dialogue and coordination between men and women.
В заключении можно сказать, что брак следует рассматривать шире, как символ диалога и согласованности действий между мужчинами и женщинами.
Working women could have flexible conditions to regulate their presence at home and at work.
Работающие женщины могли бы иметь гибкие условия, чтобы регулировать их присутствие дома и на работе.
And also men, doing business and delving into life at home, could improve the ability to see the picture of life in general and objectively, to act more flexibly and peacefully.
А также мужчины, занимаясь бизнесом и вникая в жизнь дома, могли бы улучшать способность видеть картину жизни в целом и объективно, действовать более гибко и миролюбиво.
Only an equal respectful partnership between men and women in life and in business can help solve problems in the family and society.
Только равное уважительное партнерство мужчин и женщин в жизни и в бизнесе может способствовать решению проблем в семье и обществе.
In this case, marriage can again receive a high status and a new spiritual level.
В этом случае брак снова может получить высокий статус и новый духовный уровень.