U Kafani oko Hrama Vaskrsenja Hristovog u Podgorici bilo je tiho.
The café near the Resurrection of Christ Cathedral in Podgorica was quiet.
Kapi kiše udarale su o staklo, stvarajući umirujući ritam.
Raindrops tapped against the glass, creating a soothing rhythm.
Za drvenim stolom, ispod natkrivenog dela terase, sedeli su Dejan i Elena.
At a wooden table under the covered part of the terrace sat Dejan and Elena.
Ispred njih su bile šoljice kafe, a malo dalje - pogled na veličanstvenu kupolu hrama.
In front of them were cups of coffee, and a little further away was a view of the majestic dome of the cathedral.
"Ne volim kad je voda svuda pod nogama," tiho reče Elena, posmatrajući kako se kiša sliva niz krovove.
"I don’t like it when water is everywhere underfoot," Elena said softly, watching the rain flow down the rooftops.
"Osećaj je kao da te zemlja vuče."
"It feels like the earth is pulling you down."
Dejan se nasmejao.
Dejan smiled.
"Podseća me na ono kad sam bio sa prijateljima u Kotoru.
"It reminds me of when I was with friends in Kotor.
Hteo sam im pokazati grad, ali je kiša pala toliko jako da je bilo dvadeset centimetara vode na ulicama.
I wanted to show them the city, but the rain came so heavily that there were twenty centimeters of water in the streets.
Kao da je ceo grad postao more."
It was as if the whole city turned into a sea."
Elena podiže obrvu.
Elena raised an eyebrow.
"To je baš krajnost.
"That’s quite an extreme.
U životu uvek imamo te krajnosti, između mogućnosti i verovatnoće greške.
In life, we always have those extremes, between possibility and the probability of error.
Opasno je, ali i osvežava.
It’s dangerous, but also refreshing.
To je izazov, zar ne? Videti mogućnost i izbeći opasnost greške."
It’s a challenge, isn’t it? To see the possibility and avoid the danger of mistakes."
Dejan klimnu glavom.
Dejan nodded.
"Sećam se, jednom smo pričali o Herceg Novom.
"I remember when we once talked about Herceg Novi.
Sunčani grad, jedan od najlepših na obali.
A sunny city, one of the most beautiful on the coast.
Ali ima i mesto koje se zove Ljuta.
But there’s also a place called Ljuta.
Ime je dobilo po reci koja postaje prava bujica posle kiše.
It’s named after a river that becomes a real torrent after the rain.
Zamisli, ljudi su napravili staze, a voda s planine jurne istim tim putem." Imagine, people made paths, and the water from the mountain rushes along the same path."
Elena se nasmešila.
Elena smiled.
"To ti je život.
"That’s life for you.
Mogućnosti su spasonosne, ali verovatnoće mogu biti zastrašujuće.
Possibilities are lifesaving, but probabilities can be terrifying.
Važno je videti obe stvari na vreme i delovati kako treba.
It’s important to see both in time and act accordingly.
U mirnim trenucima moraš osluškivati sitne znakove.
In peaceful moments, you have to listen to the subtle signs.
Ako nešto previdiš, posledice mogu biti velike."
If you overlook something, the consequences can be huge."
"Upravo to," reče Dejan.
"Exactly," Dejan said.
"Kao kod gradnje.
"It’s like construction.
Kad gradiš, greške u osnovi su katastrofa.
When you build, foundational mistakes are disastrous.
Ali ako vidiš na vreme i ispraviš – spasio si sve.
But if you see them in time and correct them, you’ve saved everything.
Sećam se priče o Mikelanđelu.
I remember the story of Michelangelo.
Neko ga je nazvao velikim umetnikom, a on je odgovorio da je samo imao priliku.
Someone called him a great artist, and he replied that he simply had the opportunity.
Rekao je da mnogi pastiri imaju veći talenat od njega, ali nikada nisu dobili svoju šansu."
He said many shepherds had greater talent than he did, but they never got their chance."
Elena ga pogleda, oči su joj zasijale.
Elena looked at him, her eyes sparkling.
"Zamisli samo, koliko hrabrosti je potrebno da prepoznaš priliku i da deluješ. "Just think how much courage it takes to recognize an opportunity and act."
To je najveća smelost.
That’s the greatest bravery.
Videti, oslušnuti intuiciju i postupiti po njoj.
To see, listen to intuition, and act on it.
Ali mirne prilike su najvredniji trenutak za akciju."
But peaceful opportunities are the most valuable moments for action."
Dejan se nasloni unazad, posmatrajući kišu.
Dejan leaned back, watching the rain.
"Sećaš li se priče o Mihajlu Pupinu?
"Do you remember the story of Mihajlo Pupin?"
Deveto dete u porodici, ništa nije ukazivalo da će postati jedan od najvećih umova.
The ninth child in the family, nothing indicated he would become one of the greatest minds.
Ali prepoznao je mogućnosti i koristio ih.
But he recognized opportunities and used them.
Isto je i s našom istorijom.
The same goes for our history.
Knez Lazar, car Dušan, svi su oni videli širu sliku.
Prince Lazar, car Dušan, they all saw the bigger picture.
Osvestili su trenutak."
They were aware of the moment."
"I knez Uroš je bio takav," dodala je Elena.
"And Prince Uroš was like that too," Elena added.
"Iako su ga zvali 'Nejaki', bio je svestan svojih mogućnosti.
"Even though they called him 'The Weak,' he was aware of his possibilities."
Pokušavao je da održi ravnotežu među moćnim velmožama, znajući da je njegova prilika da sačuva zemlju u jedinstvu u diplomatiji i pažljivom upravljanju.
He tried to maintain balance among the powerful noblemen, knowing that his chance to preserve the unity of the country lay in diplomacy and careful governance.
Čak i u teškim vremenima, ulagao je u crkvene i kulturne projekte, gradeći duhovnu osnovu države.
Even in difficult times, he invested in church and cultural projects, building the spiritual foundation of the state.
Razumeo je da je jedini put do spasa pomirenje, i iako nije uvek uspevao, njegova vizija mira je bila velika."
He understood that the only path to salvation was reconciliation, and although he didn’t always succeed, his vision of peace was significant."
"I to ih je činilo slobodnim," dodala je Elena.
"And that’s what made them free," Elena added.
"Sloboda nije samo odsustvo okova, već sposobnost da vidiš svoj put ka uspehu i da ga slediš, uprkos svemu."
"Freedom isn’t just the absence of chains but the ability to see your path to success and follow it, despite everything."
Dejan klimnu.
Dejan nodded.
"To je šansa, Elena.
"That’s an opportunity, Elena.
Da li je prepoznaš ili ne, od toga zavisi sve.
Whether you recognize it or not, everything depends on that.
Kao Herceg Novi.
Like Herceg Novi.
Imaju i sunce i vodu.
They have both sun and water.
Rimljani su ga okupirali zbog vode, Turci zbog obale.
The Romans occupied it for its water, the Turks for its coast.
Komunisti su mislili da tamo nema dovoljno resursa.
The communists thought there weren’t enough resources there.
Ali ljudi su opstali, jer su znali kako da iskoriste obe strane."
But the people endured because they knew how to use both sides."
Elena tiho reče: "Važno je prepoznati šansu kad je sve mirno, da bi izbegao buru. To je milost."
Elena said quietly, "It’s important to recognize an opportunity when it’s peaceful, to avoid the storm. That’s grace."
Kiša je polako stajala, a oblaci su se razilazili.
The rain was slowly letting up, and the clouds were dispersing.
Sunce je obasjalo kupolu hrama, bacaši zlatne odsjaje na njihova lica.
The sun shone on the cathedral’s dome, casting golden reflections on their faces.
Elena i Dejan se nasmešiše jedno drugom.
Elena and Dejan smiled at each other.
Tišina između njih bila je ispunjena spokojem, kao da su reči našle svoj dom.
The silence between them was filled with serenity, as if their words had found a home.